The Governors Loved the Water Backpacks and Mobility Carts! PFC and the President’s 2019 Devolution Conference I am just returning from a two week trip in Kenya. I seem to work harder, run faster, laugh more and become totally exhausted when I am in Kenya. And, this trip has been no exception. We have had meetings with Mt. Kenya University who is conducting three evidence-based research projects on our programs. We also attended the President’s Devolution Conference where we had an exhibit and met thousands of people, including a number of Kenya’s governors, showing them the water backpacks and the mobility carts. We have met with foundations for possible funding and had a PFC Kenyan board meeting. It has been a very good trip. My role with our team here in Kenya is also to bring them resources they can use to change lives – water backpacks, mobility carts, computers, sewing machines and medical equipment. Thanks to our partners – MedShare, Mobility Worldwide, Friends of Disabled Adults, Thanks Be To God Foundation, and Alterius Career College, Partners for Care has brought twenty-two 40 foot containers to Kenya valued at over 4 million dollars. Our Kenyan staff have opened 17 computer schools and 9 sewing schools helping thousands learn skills which will help them obtain jobs or start small businesses to support themselves and lifted hundreds from the ground onto a life changing mobility cart. This year we will bring more mobility carts, more computers and more sewing machines so our staff can open more schools and lift up more of those crawling on the ground. All to change lives! Thank you for your continued financial and prayer support. It seems sometimes nothing is easy about this work, from the 24-hour travel time to and from Kenya, bad roads or no roads, vehicles that break down, long lines and of course the constant visual of the most marginalized struggling just to survive. It hurts the heart but also motivates me to keep running fast and working hard – and…. remembering to laugh.
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