Maybe it is because I spent the day and night at Beat the Drum and once again came face to face with children who were born infected with a virus that was transmitted from infected mothers who probably didn’t even know they were themselves infected. Or maybe it was the visit to kijabe Hospital where I saw more people waiting in line to see a doctor or a nurse than I had ever seen (most were there probably because of preventable diseases). Or maybe it was because when we told the nurse at the hospital that the children at Beat the Drum had never been told they were infected she suggested they join one of the many kid’s clubs. When we inquired what kid’s clubs were she told us they are clubs for kids with AIDS. Or maybe it is because Pastor John who takes care of the children at Beat the Drum told us that the pastors from Mai Maihu avoid him saying he is the pastor who deals with AIDS. And, Njokie told me that Brian (her nephew who lives with us and is infected)) goes to a kids club in the park with hundreds of children who are also infected. Then I went to CT and and held little two year old Elizabeth who is infected. Her little body is so frail. It sometimes seems to me that this fight against HIV/AIDs is hopeless. How many will become infected before it stops? How many will die? How many children will become infected? How many orphans will there be? The latest statistics from UNAIDS are staggering – in 2007 there were 370,000 children born infected, 270,000 children died from AIDS, 11.3 million orphans in Africa because of AIDS. Is there hope? With God all things are possible. The Partners for Care Kenyan staff are trying to do their part. One by one they have felt the burden of this disease. One by one they have developed a passion to fight this disease. Last night they presented the what if? campaign to 6,000 people with 802 signing committment cards to do their part to create an HIV free enviorment – test to know their status, wait until marriage and be faithful to one partner. Will they do those things? We don’t know. But, as the Temples of Worship sing when they sing the what if? song “it can be done, it should be done, it must be done”. Praying for hope, Connie Sent via Cingular Xpress Mail with Blackberry
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