World Water Day 2025
This World Water Day, March 22, 2025, we are reminded of the importance of safe drinking water. Regions where our programs serve are suffering severe droughts. We are committed to bring water to these communities as we seek a permanent solution. Our water delivery program is helping hundreds in the desert have water for their basic needs. The WaterSafe back pack is an integral part of this program providing a way for storage and dispensing of safe water. Join us in making a difference today. Together, we can create a world where everyone can have access to safe drinking water. Donate today to make a difference.

Changing the World
"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does" -William James
What We Do
Partners for Care is an Atlanta-based 501 (C) 3 founded in 2008 with staff and operations in Kenya, Africa. We are a compassion-driven, faith based, nonprofit providing hope and health through sustainable solutions to the problems of poverty and disease. Our Kenya staff and programs are changing thousands of lives by eliminating needless suffering and death caused by preventable diseases – including malaria, HIV/AIDS, waterborne
illnesses and malnutrition.


Mobility Carts

Computer Schools

Kathi's House

Bed Nets

Creating a World Free from Malaria
Restoring Hope, Rebuilding Dreams
A Nation Thrives When Its People are Healthy

Sewing School

Marsabit County

Kilifi County
Families are Fed by Needle and Thread
Creating Streams of Hope in the Desert
Transforming Lives on Kenya's Coast